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Report Highlights Seniors Hesitant About Visiting Casinos Post COVID-19

  • 40% of survey participants aged over 60 said they would return to casinos
  • Over half of those surveyed feel confident in casinos, will return when they reopen
  • Gamblers will continue to play online even after social distancing measures are lifted
strongly agree ticked on a survey
A new report published by Synergy Blue highlights how concerned seniors are over visiting casinos post COVID-19. [Image:]

Older generation very concerned

Synergy Blue has released a new report revealing the opinions of US consumers regarding casinos post COVID-19.

While the younger generation looks forward to gambling at land-based casinos in the near future, seniors are far more concerned. The older generation appears to be more concerned about becoming infected due to being considered at high risk of contracting the deadly virus.

older generation appears to be more concerned about becoming infected

The report examines the safety and health standards that gamblers would like to see casinos implement when they reopen. Online and mobile gambling was also reviewed, regarding player interest now and in the future.

What gamblers expect post COVID-19

The report, The Path Forward for Casinos in a Post-COVID World, is based on a survey conducted late last month. A total of 1,000 gamblers were surveyed. Synergy Blue asked gamblers how expectations have changed and what factors will determine if they return to casinos.

Questions included what type of experiences they are looking for, as well as the role the economy plays in the confidence they have in the gaming venues. The survey also covered if they would continue to take part in online gambling if social distancing is no longer a requirement.

A shift in player demographics is expected due to the pandemic. Older gamblers are hesitant to visit the gaming venues now due to health concerns. The younger crowd, not so much.

Only 40% of participants over the age of 60 said they would return to the casino once reopening begins. A total of 56% of those surveyed aged between 30 and 45 said they would return. However, in the group aged 29 and under, a total of 62% said they would be back.

Gamblers appear to be confident in casinos, with 51% of those surveyed stating they will return to casinos when reopening begins. Following the pandemic, a total of 56% surveyed feel that casinos need to improve health and safety standards on a permanent basis.

Report highlights uncertainty

Synergy Blue’s CEO, Georg Washington, commented on how the casino industry has been hit hard by the crisis, and that there are high levels of uncertainty when it comes to the long-term impact that the industry will face.

Washington said: “Our goal with this report is to provide the industry with resources and insight into what gamblers would like to see and, more importantly, what they expect from casinos when they return.”

Additional survey results

The survey covered several areas, including if spending would remain the same when players return to the casinos. Of those who plan on heading back, 48% said they would spend the same as before. Of the players who said they are unsure about returning to casinos, 58% said that the reason is they are uneasy about the state of the economy.

64% of those surveyed said they had gambled online during the pandemic

When it comes to the iGaming sector, 64% of those surveyed said they had gambled online during the pandemic. Of that number, 93% said they would continue to take part in online gambling when stay-at-home orders are lifted.

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